Our sites range from schools, farms and village sports fields through to an 1860s fort, and most of them have a hall on site
Getting there
Directions are provided on the web page for each site, together with map references, postcode sand a link to Google Maps. Whenever possible we will also put out small roadside signs like these to direct you to the site.

Access to some sites may be difficult for heavy vehicles (such as motorhomes) if there has been recent wet weather, so if in doubt then send us an email or call the steward on 07340 248 577 and we will update you on the current situation.

Drinking water and chemical toilet disposal facilities will always be available, but at most sites you will need to provide your own sanitation.
All sites have grass suitable for all forms of camping, but hard standing is not normally available except for some winter meets (see individual sites for details).
We charge a standard camping fee per night for each unit (caravan, motorhome, tent or whatever you choose!), which includes use of the hall on nights when we hold a ceilidh.
Our current fees for most meets are £16 per night for two people, and £13 for one person. There is no charge for children (under 18) at most events.
At our winter meets where we have use of the hall all weekend, the fees will be slightly higher.
Please see our guidelines which should be followed to help each meet run smoothly.